Default: | COPYEXT(defaultExt)
Where defaultExt is the file extension of the specified DBD, MFS, or PSB source copybook name. |
By default, the file extension of the original DBD, MFS or PSB source copybook file name is appended to the COPY member name. For example, if the original MFS copybook name was MYMFS1.MFS, and a COPY statement asked to include member MYINDX, then the copybook MYINDX.MFS is copied. If you specify COPYEXT(CPY), for example, this produces an included copybook name of MYINDX.CPY.
COPYEXT(NULL) indicates that the copybook file name has no extension.
COPYEXT process -INC and ++INCLUDE statements as COPY statements.
Member names longer than eight characters are truncated to eight characters with no warning message.