If the input file is line sequential and the record contains COMP or COMP-3 items, the file must have been created with the INSERTNULL configuration option set to ON. If the file has been created with INSERTNULL set to OFF, or has come from a third party and does not precede non-printable characters with null bytes, the file will not be correctly processed if the COMP/COMP-3 items contain bytes with the values x"00", x"09" (tab), x"0A" (newline) or x"0D" (carriage return).
infile-org and outfile-org can be any of the following:
Value | Description |
lseq | line sequential |
seq | sequential |
rel | relative |
ind | indexed |
This format enables you to convert from any one file organization to another.
If outfile-org is omitted, the output file will have the same organization as the input file.
Using this syntax, you can convert a line sequential file to an indexed file, or an indexed file to a variable sequential file, and so on.
rebuild in-file, out-file /o:lseq,ind /t:mf /k:1+10 /r:v20-30
converts a line sequential file to an indexed file with the key structure specified by the /k option, the file format specified by the /t option, and the recording mode and recording lengths specified by the /r option. The key information must be wholly contained within the minimum record length.
rebuild in-file, out-file /o:ind,seq /r:v20-30
converts an indexed file to a variable length sequential file with the recording mode and record lengths specified by the /r option.