COBCH0203 CODE must be specified for all reports or no report You have specified the CODE clause in the definition of a report. If you are defining more than one report for the specified
file, you must specify the CODE clause either for all reports or for none of them for that file.
COBCH0205 RECORD missing or has zero size You have declared a file using the SELECT statement in the Environment Division of your program, but have either failed to
define it in a corresponding FD entry in the Data Division or have used a different filename in the FD entry, perhaps owing
to a spelling mistake. If a mismatch of the two occurs then the record associated with the file does not exist although the
necessary space has been created for it.
COBCH0207 FD, CD or SD qualification syntax error These source code entries describe the structure of a specified file and take the form FD or CD or SD followed by a filename
and a description of the records in that file. The filename must be the name of a file defined in the FILE-CONTROL paragraph
of your program.
COBCH0208 WORKING-STORAGE missing The words WORKING-STORAGE are missing from the relevant Section heading in the Data Division or, if present, have not been
recognized by your COBOL system. This might be due to a spelling mistake or to their position in your code.
COBCH0209 PROCEDURE DIVISION missing or unknown statement The PROCEDURE DIVISION header is missing from your program or, if present, your COBOL system has failed to recognize it. This
might be due to a spelling mistake or you could have placed the header at the wrong place in your code.
COBCH0211 PICTURE clause not compatible with qualifiers Your code contains a PICTURE clause that is qualified by the wrong type of qualifier. For example, a data item cannot be defined
as PIC XX USAGE COMP because it is an alphanumeric PICTURE clause but the qualifier is numeric.
COBCH0212 Illegal data item used with BLANK clause The BLANK WHEN ZERO clause can be used only as part of the data description entry for data items which are numeric (those
which contain a 9 in the PICTURE clause) or numeric edited (ordinary edited data items with special characters added to allow
the data items to be presented in a form which can be easily understood). You have used this clause with a nonnumeric data
item in your source code or with a numeric data item that contains a "P", "S", or "V".
COBCH0214 VALUE too long for data item or has too many decimal positions The value you have specified in a VALUE clause is too big or has too many decimal places, to fit in the data item. For example,
a declaration such as PIC 99 VALUE 123, where 123 is too large to fit into the receiving field without truncation.
COBCH0215 VALUE in error or illegal for PICTURE type You might have made a mistake in the coding of a VALUE clause in your program. For example, you have used a numeric data item
with a nonnumeric VALUE clause. Alternatively, you have used a VALUE clause in an illegal place, for example in conjunction
with a data item which has been redefined.
COBCH0216 Non-elementary item has JUSTIFIED or BLANK clause These clauses can be used in the data description entry of the Data Division but must be used only with elementary data items.
Elementary data items are the most basic subdivisions of a record as they are not subdivided into higher level data items.
You have used one of these clauses in conjunction with a non-elementary data item (that is, one which contains higher level
data items).
COBCH0217 Preceding item at this level has zero length You have defined a data item but have failed to give it a size, either by not using a PICTURE clause in conjunction with it,
or, if it is a group item, by failing to define any elementary items to go with it. If you enter something similar to the