COBCH0045 Operand data-name has wrong size The operand in this statement is the wrong length (for example, you have specified a prompt character more than one character
COBCH0050 Illegal use of POINTER data item, ADDRESS OF or NULL You have tried to perform an illegal operation on a data item with USAGE POINTER. Alternatively, you have tried to apply the
ADDRESS OF phrase to an item that is not an 01 or 77 level item in the Working-Storage or Linkage Section.
COBCH0051 Not a report name You must use a report-name in this context. You have probably misspelled a valid report-name.
COBCH0054 Class name required You have failed to define the class-name in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph, or you have misspelled a COBOL class-name.
COBCH0055 Index-name set to value greater than table size A SET index-name TO literal statement has been used to try to set an index name to a value greater than the number in the OCCURS clause for which that
index name belongs.
COBCH0057 Not a report group You must use a report group in this context. You have probably misspelled a valid report group-name.
COBCH0058 Not a report name or a report group You have specified neither a valid report-name nor a valid report group in a GENERATE statement. You have probably misspelled
the report-name or the report group.