Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
Select the number of the message you require details about :
22000 INVALID DLL NAME The name of the DLL to be loaded is invalid, that is, either null or too long.
22001 ERROR LOADING MODULE An error occurred while attempting to load a DLL into memory or to locate a previously loaded DLL.
22002 ERROR QUERY PROC ADDR An error occurred while attempting to determine the entry point address of a callable procedure within a module, such as an
EXE or a DLL.
22003 ERROR QUERY PROC TYPE An error occurred while attempting to determine the entry point type, such as 16 bit or 32-bit calling conventions, of a callable
procedure within a module, such as an EXE or a DLL.
22010 ERR FILE NOT FOUND DLL not found in the current directory or libpath if name is unqualified, or in specific directory if name has a path and
.DLL extension.
22050 ERROR WRITING COMPMAC An error occurred while attempting to write out a compiled macro as a DLL. Error occurred in routine string. Macro member name = macroname. Output path for compiled macro = pathname. Return code from store = .
22051 ERROR INVALID PROCTYPE An error occurred while loading a DLL into memory. The procType (i.e., 16-bit or 32-bit) of a requested entry point within
the module was invalid. The routine executing at the time is routinename. The module (i.e., DLL) is modulename. The procedure (i.e., entry point) is entrypointname. The procType of the DLL is /*------ fileio ------*/
22080 UNABLE ALLOC MEM Unable to allocate memory via direct request to the operating system. Usually due to an invalid request.
22081 NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Unable to allocate memory via direct request to the operating system because there is no more memory available. This is a
memory allocation error.
22082 UNABLE FREE MEM Unable to free memory via direct request to the operating system. Usually due to an invalid request.
22083 MEM ACCESS DENIED Unable to free memory via direct request to the operating system because access to the memory was denied. Usually due to an
invalid request.
22084 INVALID FREE ADDRESS Unable to free memory via direct request to the operating system because the address supplied was not an address that could
be freed. Usually due to an invalid request.
22208 ERR MEMCLASS INVALID Memory is corrupted. Memory allocation is requested by class. An invalid memory class has either been requested to be allocated
or a block with an invalid memory class has been found. This is an internal error.
22209 ERR MEMPAGE CORRUPTION Memory has been corrupted. Memory page pointers are mismatched. This is an internal error.
22211 ERR MEMPAGE IS ACTIVED Memory page is currently active. The memory page was not freed. This is an internal error.
22212 ERR MEMLIST CORRUPTION Memory is corrupted. Memory list within the page is corrupted. This is an internal error.
22213 ERR FREEING MEM TWICE Attempted to free a block of memory at address addressname with memory class classname twice. This is an internal error. A dump of the block follows this message.
22300 ERR UNABLE QUERY DBCS ENV Error getting the country-dependent DBCS environment vector that indicates the range of values for the lead byte of a double
byte character. Return code from DosQueryDBCSEnv = returncode.
22302 ERR NLS NO CTRY CODE Country code not found. Check to ensure the correct COUNTRY.SYS file is installed on your system.
22303 ERR NLS TABLE TRUNCATED The table doesn't contain all the possible lead character ranges because the the program area was not large enough to hold
all the ranges. This is an internal error.
22304 ERR NLS TYPE NOT FOUND Selected NLS type of information was not found in the COUNTRY.SYS file. This is either an internal error or there is a problem with the COUNTRY.SYS file.
22305 ERR CODE PAGE NOT FOUND The code page was not found. Check to ensure the correct COUNTRY.SYS file is installed on your system.