PST- message report messages
This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
Select the number of the message you require details about:
PST-1000-00-F COBOL compiler message overflow
AMB reached the maximum of 300 error messages.
PST-1001-00-F Message table full truncated
AMB reached the maximum of 462 error messages.
PST-4000-00-I SEQ-PAIR overflow compile COBOL separately
The internal tracking of the sequence numbering exceeded the maximum of 900. This error can result from the NUM option turned off for the COBOL compile.
PST-4001-00-I AMB error message problem - is NUM option on
During internal error message tracking, the error message and source line are not in order. The NUM option is not on in the COBOL compile.
Parent topic:
Error Messages