PRM- AMB parameter messages
This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
Select the number of the message you require details about:
PRM-2001-00-E Unknown language name
You entered an invalid language parameter.
PRM-2002-00-E Unknown target name
You entered an invalid target parameter.
PRM-2003-00-E Improper XLATE value
You entered an invalid XLATE value.
PRM-2004-00-E Improper debug value
The debug parameter used and you coded a misspelled or invalid parameter.
PRM-2005-00-E Improper SEQ value
You entered an invalid SEQ value.
PRM-2006-00-E Unprivileged parameter use
You entered an unauthorized parameter.
PRM-2007-00-E 4 characters required
You coded a misspelled or invalid parameter value for the FMP-CHARS parameter, which requires a minimum of four (4) characters. The 4 default characters are % $ & + .
PRM-2008-00-E Unknown parameter keyword
You specified an invalid parameter.
PRM-2009-00-E Equal sign missing
The equal sign before the specified parameter value is missing.
PRM-5001-00-F Parameters inconsistent with S-FORTRAN
You cannot use the XLATE parameter values with an S-FORTRAN target.
Parent topic:
Error Messages