DNA-1002-00-E Requested member not found AMB could not find the member requested via INCLUDE. Member was not in specified PDS or you misspelled the member name
on the FMP % INCLUDE.
DNA-1003-00-F I-O error on CLOSE During CLOSE call processing, AMB detected a fatal I/O error. AMB issued the CLOSE call for an inactive channel. Probable
internal logic error in AMB compiler.
DNA-1004-00-E BLK not LRECL mult During processing of DCB information, AMB determined the block size not to be a multiple of the record length.
DNA-1005-00-F I-O error FMT1 DSCB The error occurred during execution of an OPEN call instruction for a data set on a direct access device, for one of the
following reasons:
DNA-1006-00-E VOL mount prob rerun No unit is available for mounting the specified volume. The volume already on the allocated unit is either permanently
resident or reserved. It could not be unmounted in order to mount the required volume, or the volume cannot be unmounted
because another DCB is open on that device.
DNA-1010-00-E Invalid concatenation You issued an open call instruction for a partitioned data set that you concatenated with a data set that does not reside
on a direct access storage device (DASD). You can concatenate partitioned data sets only with data sets having like
DNA-1011-00-E Unknown - see SYSMSG During I/O processing, AMB detected an error but the I/O program that reads FMP % INCLUDE files was unable to analyze
the error.
DNA-1012-00-E Program error - contact your AMB rep This error message indicates an internal error within AMB compiler (portion that reads % INCLUDE files). During I/O processing,
AMB issued an OPEN or READ call for a channel that did not have a prior LOOKUP or CLOSE call. The channel number passed
from SSTCTIM to SSTDDNA is less than 1 or greater than the maximum number of channels. You passed an invalid call code