APX-1030-01-E Input screen uses PFKEYS for TRAN PX specs Assume PFKEYS available Correct conflict On an IMS input screen, the PF keys were defined to provide all or part of the IMS trancode. The program cannot test PF keys
after its screen is received. If the Express program definition associates program functions with PF keys, the program will
not function as intended. This message does not necessarily mean that such a conflict exists, but is a warning that PF keys
will not be available for testing during program execution.
APX-1040-00-E TP-USER-LEN too small for SAVEKEY and additional COMMAREA This message is generated from the $PX-CA-COMPUTE-LEN call if a Commarea length was defined via symbol &TP-USER-LEN, and the
length specified is less than the sum of SAVEKEY length assigned to Commarea plus additional Commarea bytes, as defined on
the Work Area Definition window.