>>-.---.-CONSTANT-const-name-.-(numeric-lit)--.->< +-/-+ +-"alphanum-lit"-+
const-name | Data-name. The constant's name. |
numeric-lit | Numeric literal. The constant's value. Must be zero or a positive integer. |
alphanum-lit | Alphanumeric literal. The constant's value. |
Default: | Not set |
Phase: | Syntax check |
$SET: | Any |
The effect is as if the constant const-name had been defined in the program in a level-78. Its value is that given in the parentheses or quotation marks. If parentheses are used, the constant is of category numeric; if quotation marks are used it is of category alphanumeric. It is permissible to enclose the const-name and numeric-lit or alphanum-lit pairing in parentheses.
To declare several figurative constants using this feature, use the CONSTANT directive repeatedly.