BRIEF Enables the Compiler to produce only error numbers, and no message texts.
CHANGE-MESSAGE Changes the severity of errors/messages. Messages can also be suppressed or returned to their original severity.
ERRFORMAT Specifies the type of error message format to be used for command-line compilations and to appear in the list file.
ERRLIST Specifies the format of error messages in a list file.
ERRQ Enables the Compiler to prompt you to stop compiling each time it gives an error message.
FLAG Makes the Compiler produce language-level certification flags when it finds syntax that is not part of a specified dialect
FLAGAS Makes the Compiler output flagging messages as error messages, warning messages or informational messages.
FLAGEUC Flags occurences of SBCS (8-bit codes) and certain occurences of DBCS (16-bit codes) in the source code.
FLAGMIG Causes the Compiler to flag any syntax that behaves differently at run time depending on the setting of CMPR2.
FLAGQ Enables the Compiler prompt you to stop compiling each time it gives a flagging message.
FLAGSINEDIT Specifies whether flagging messages are to be included in an error file.
FLAGSTD Makes the Compiler produce language-level certification flags when it finds syntax that is not part of a specified level of
the ANSI'85 Standard.
HIDE-MESSAGE Registers an error message to hide so that if the error is encountered, it is ignored.
IMPLICITSCOPE Enables the syntax checker to produce warning messages for cases where scope has been implicitly ended. This usually occurs
where the scope terminator (END-VERB) could have been used.
INFORETURN Specifies the return-code value returned by the Compiler when it produces only informational messages.
MAX-ERROR Causes the Compiler to abort when the specified number of errors have been produced.
MOVE-LEN-CHECK Causes the Compiler to check source and target lengths for alphanumeric MOVE operations, and produces a warning message if
they are different.
QUERY Each time the Compiler is unable to find a copybook, it prompts you for an action.
RESTRICT-GOTO Generates a syntax error for GO TO statements that transfer control to outside of the current section.
STDERR Causes error messages to be echoed to STDERR rather than to the console (STDOUT).
WARNING, WARNINGS Specifies the lowest severity level of errors to report.