Restriction: These functions are supported for native COBOL only.
This section lists the functions that you can use from C programs to call COBOL. For more information about using these functions,
see the topic
Interfacing with C Programs.
cobaddch Displays the specified character on the screen at the virtual cursor's current position.
cobaddstr Displays the specified string on the screen starting at the virtual cursor's current position.
cobaddstrc Displays the specified string on the screen starting at the virtual cursor's current position.
cobcall Calls a COBOL program, subprogram or entry point from C.
cobcallpp Calls a COBOL program, subprogram or entry point from C, using a function pointer.
cobcancel Cancels a program previously loaded by the COBOL run-time system.
cobclear Clears the screen and positions the cursor at line 0, column 0.
cobcols Returns the number of columns on the screen.