Holds a string indicating the minor version number of the generator. Use &NUM to convert the returned string to a number you
can use, for example, to:
Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
- Compare ranges of versions with relational comparison operators.
- Document a run, such as a comment in the generated output.
- Test a rules program that depends on the features in a specific MFG version.
&ig-minor-ver &Ig-Minor-Ver
&igminorver &IgMinorVer
For code that depends on both the major and minor version of the generator, you can code
% IF &IG-MAJOR-VER = "1"
% IF &IG-MINOR-VER = "2"
%* Logic for using Version 1.2
%* Logic for using Version 1.1
When executing IG Version 1.2, MFG generates:
Because generators prior to Version 1.2 do not support this function, you may find this function more useful in the future.