Return a copy of the original string with all lower case characters in the variable converted to upper case. Other characters
remain unchanged. Use &IS-UPPER or &IS-LOWER to test if the string is upper or lower case.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
&upper (string) &Upper (string)
&TO-UPPER (string) &to-upper (string)
&To-Upper (string) &ToUpper (string)
&TOUPPER (string) &toupper (string)&strupr (string) &Strupr (string)
&STRUPR (string)&UP-CASE (string) &up-case (string)
&Up-Case (string) &UPCASE (string)
&upcase (string) &UpCase (string)
&UPPER ("ABC") = "ABC"
&UPPER ("Ab1%") = "AB1%"
&UPPER ("abc") = "ABC"
If the argument is stored as a numeric type, &UPPER returns a text string form of the number.