HLD0008E hh:mm:ss.ttt Function [002] failed with RC [003] and reason code [004]
- Explanation:
- Function [002] failed.
- Issued by:
- System administrator response:
- If the function is DSPSERV or ALESERV, see
SA22-7609-xx: MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference, Volume 1 (ALE-DYN) for the return and reason codes.
- If the function is SVCUPDTE, see
SA22-7612-xx: MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference, Volume 4 (SET-WTO) for the return and reason codes.
- If the function is MCSOPER, see
SA22-7611-xx: MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference, Volume 3 (LLA-SDU) for the return and reason codes.
- If the function is IEANTCR or IEANTDL, see
SA22-7610-xx: MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference, Volume 2 (EDT-IXG) for the return and reason codes.