The Set Database/Authid/Table Filter dialog box (displayed by clicking Filter on the Catalog Browser's Location tab) enables you to control the databases, AuthIDs and table items that are displayed in the Catalog Browser for any particular location.
To specify the desired pattern of characters (or filters) for the database, AuthID, and table levels, specify values into the Database Pattern, Authid Pattern, and Table Pattern text boxes respectively. Clicking OK refreshes the Catalog Browser according to the filter settings entered in these text boxes. If no error occurs, the filter settings are saved to the xdb.ini file.
The values you specify in the Database Pattern, Authid Pattern, and Table Pattern text boxes must follow DB2's rules for specifying character patterns for the SQL LIKE predicate. The following examples use the TUTORIALS location:
Authid Pattern: TUT%
Table Pattern: PART%
This set of filters will only make databases whose names begin with "DSN" visible in the Catalog Browser. If a database object is expanded, only tables that begin with the string "PART" under an authid that begins with the string "TUT" will be displayed. In this case, two tables, TUTORIAL.PARTS and TUTORIAL.PARTSUPPS would match.
Table Pattern: PART____
This set of filters uses the underscore character (_) to match any given character. In this case, there is one underscore at the end of the authid pattern (TUTORIA_) and four underscores in the Table Pattern (PART____) so table TUTORIAL.PARTSUPP would be a match.