Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
- In the Program Painter, locate the output record description.
- Add Working-Storage entries needed for your report after the output
record description in any of the following places:
- Before the I/O description at the beginning of the program.
- After the output record description.
- After an 01 TYPE statements, and after your Procedure Division
For example:
05 WS-DATE-MM PIC 9(2).
05 WS-DATE-DD PIC 9(2).
05 WS-DATE-YY PIC 9(2).
05 WS-DATE-YY-X PIC 9(2).
05 WS-DATE-MM-X PIC 9(2).
05 WS-DATE-DD-X PIC 9(2).