Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
- From the
Project Explorer, click the Job Queue icon
to start the Job Queue.
- Do one or more of the following:
- To view the contents of a job log file, click the job
Name in the left pane. The log file appears in the right pane.
- To view a log file in the default text editor, double-click a job name.
- To sort the jobs by a component of the job name, click the column heading that corresponds to the component you want to sort
- To resize the columns, place your cursor between column headings and drag to the left or the right.
- To refresh the list of jobs, click
Refresh job queue listing
- To print a single job log, right-click it in the left pane; then select
- To print multiple job logs, select them in the left pane; then click
Print selected job(s)
- To delete a single job log, right-click it in the left pane; then select
- To delete multiple job logs, select them in the left pane; then click
Delete selected job(s)
- To delete a all job logs, click anywhere in the left pane; then
Delete all jobs
- To change the job queue directory, type a new directory into the
Job queue directory field, use the drop-down list to select a new directory, or click
Browse to navigate to and select a directory.
- To switch to the AppMaster Builder perspective, click AppMaster Builder
- You can assign colors to correspond to different output results and to different log file entries by customizing the Job Queue.
To set AppMaster Builder preferences and
Customization - Job Queue tab for more information.
- For an explanation of each field on the Job Queue perspective, see
Job Queue.