This section describes restrictions when using GDGs in
- The maximum number of host GDG biases that you can reference is 255.
- MSS does not support versioning of the GDG biases, so the only biases that versioning works for are those with a data set name
ending with V00. For example, if the GDG model name is MFIDMF.TEST.GDG then the GDG biases must have the form MFIDMF.TEST.GDG.G0001V00
... MFIDMF.TEST.G9999V00, with gaps in the numbering sequence. If you attempt to use a bias that ends, for example, in V01,
it will not be found when GDG names are resolved during program execution.
- A GDG model and all of its generation data sets (GDSs) must reside on the same platform. It is not possible to have a mixture
of GDSs where some reside on the mainframe and others locally.
- If you are using relative bias numbers to reference GDSs in your JCL, for example MFIDMF.TEST.GDG(-4) or MFIDMF.TEST.GDG(+1),
the following restrictions apply:
- If the GDSs are located on a Mainframe Access server, you cannot reference any numbers greater than zero. The only permitted
numbers are 0 through -n, where
n is the maximum number of GDSs supported by the GDG model.
- If the GDSs are located on a PC or network, all processing is supported with only the limitations that are already documented
in this section.