Converts storage units (bytes) at a certain location from ASCII to EBCDIC at another location.
a and
b are expressions with type POINTER or OFFSET that stand for the two locations.
c is an expression with computational type that represents the number of storage units.
The PLIEBCDIC subroutine converts storage units (bytes) at location
b from ASCII to EBCDIC at location
a. The storage at
a and
b must not overlap unless they specify the same location.
a and
b are expressions with type POINTER or OFFSET that represent the two locations. If the type is OFFSET, the expression must
be an OFFSET variable declared with the AREA attribute.
c is the number of storage units. It is an expression with computational type that is converted to FIXED BIN(31,0).
c is an expression with computational type that represents the number of storage units.
The PLIEBCDIC subroutine converts storage units (bytes) at location b from ASCII to EBCDIC at location a. The storage at a and b must not overlap unless they specify the same location.
a and b are expressions with type POINTER or OFFSET that represent the two locations. If the type is OFFSET, the expression must be an OFFSET variable declared with the AREA attribute.
c is the number of storage units. It is an expression with computational type that is converted to FIXED BIN(31,0).