To enable CTF tracing of a web application

Configure CTF tracing to pass tracing information on to the Java logging framework on a web server. Use this method if you are unable to configure the TEXTFILE or BINFILE emitters due to web server permission restrictions.

Your project must be of type Dynamic Web Application.

  1. In Application Explorer view, right-click the project name, then click New > Folder > Folder.

    The New Folder dialog box appears.

  2. In the Folder name field, type Resources, then click Finish.

    The Resources folder is created in your project hierarchy.

  3. Right-click the Resources folder, then click New > File.

    The New File screen appears.

  4. In the File name field, type mfjvm.cfg, then click Finish.

    The mfjvm.cfg configuration file is added to the Resources folder.

  5. Add the configuration file to the deployment:
    1. Right-click the project name, then click Properties.

      The Properties screen appears.

    2. On the Deployment Assembly tab, click Add > Folder > Resources, then click Finish.
    3. Double-click the Deploy Path entry for the Resources source and update it to WEB/INF/classes, then click OK.


  6. Double-click mfjvm.cfg and add the following:
    mftrace.dest = javalogger
    mftrace.emitter.javalogger#Format = ruid=$(RUNUNIT) tid=$(THREAD) $(COMPONENT) $(EVENT) :$(DATA)
  7. Compile and deploy your web application, then configure the Java logging API as per your web server documentation.