CASCS3001 An inbound allocate was received from region-name for region partner-lu-alias was rejected because the designate target region was either not valid or not active. The transaction specified is transaction-id.
CASCS3002 An inbound allocate was received from region-name for region partner-lu-alias. The receive allocate failed with a primary return code of return-code. The transaction specified is transaction-id. A previous error also occurred. Either the parameters passed to dfhgatch were bad or the region specified was invalid
or inactive.
CASCS3031 An inbound allocate was received from netname and was automatically installed with default connection parameters.
CASCS5001 The region communications interface initialization process has started.
CASCS5002 The region interface initialization process does not have the required underlying thread support.
CASCS5003 The region interface initialization process has completed.
CASCS5004 The region interface initialization process failed regestering the master session. The reason code is reason-code.
CASCS5005 The communications interface experienced a problem allocating control blocks in local storage.
CASCS5006 The region interface initialization process issued a message. The text is casgate-message.
CASCS5007 The region communications interface is terminating.
CASCS5008 The region communications interface has terminated.
CASCS5009 Client registration failed for a new client session. The reason code is reason-code. The values and their meanings are as follows: 12: The system is in shutdown mode, and a new client is attempting to
connect. This may happen if a server is suspended during shutdown.