CASCT0100E Record length error Requested record length is in error. You have probably entered a record length that is greater than the maximum record size.
CASCT0325E SYSIDERR, EIBRESP = EIBRESP2 = The file you are trying to access has encountered a SYSIDERR. The comms link to the remote file has probably not been established.
CASCT0400E Record already on file The record you are trying to add is already on file. The record has already been added or the key has not been changed before
pressing the add key.
CASCT0500E Error occurred while rewriting record An error occurred while trying to update the record. The record may have been deleted before the record could be updated or
an IO error occurred on the file.
CASCT0550E Error occurred while reading for update An error occurred while trying to update the record. The record may have been deleted before the record could be read for
update or an IO error occurred on the file.