The Delete function deletes segments in a database.
mfims imsdbu DEL {database-name|filename} [[NO]CLS] DSN(filespec) [ECHO(keyword,msglvl,stoplvl [[NO]INI(filespec)] [[NO]LIST(filespec)] [LISTOPEN(disp)] [[NO]LOG(filespec)] [PROGRESS(no-of-segments)]
Default: | NOCLS |
Default: | None |
filespec | The name of the data set file you want to delete. |
Default: | ECHO(MSGS,4,8) |
keyword | The category of information displayed. One of the following:
msglvl | A value from 4 through 20 to indicate the severity of messages to display.1 |
stoplvl | A value from 4 through 20 to indicate the severity of messages to stop for user input. 1 |
Value | Category | Example Cause |
4 | General warning message | A minor coding error in DBD source which DBDGEN can make an assumption about and continue. |
6 | IMS specific warning message | A warning that a keyword or statement is not supported and is ignored - processing can continue. |
8 | General severe error | An incorrect coding in DBD source which cannot be compensated for, such as 'no DBD statement'. |
10 | IMS Option specific severe error | An unsupported feature was defined which cannot be compensated for, such as 'Exceeded some maximum'. |
12 | Severe error - possible temporary condition | A temporary I/O error such as a 'file locked' or 'database locked' status. |
16 | Severe error- permanent - likely installation problem | A permanent I/O error, such as an invalid data set name or member name, was input to a utility or an environment variable is not set correctly. |
20 | Severe error - permanent | An unrecoverable I/O error or some other unexpected error. |
Default: | None |
filespec | The name and location of the .INI file containing directives that override the IMSDBU programmed defaults. |
[IMSDBU] PROGRESS(1000) ;use local log LOG(C:\MYDIR\MYDB.LOG)
Default: | LIST(*.LST) |
filespec | The name and location to use for the listing file. |
Default: | LISTOPEN(NEW) |
disp | The disposition to use. One of:
Default: | LOG(IMSDBU.LOG) |
filespec | The name and location of the file to use as the IMSDBU activity log. |
Default: | PROGRESS(200) |
no-of-segments | A value between 0 and 9999 indicating the number of segments to process before displaying a progress message. 0 disables progress reporting. |