A function package installed in the IDE and used in an AWM model extends the model with additional functionality.
All tools to be used in the model must be derived from a function package. If no function package is installed, you would not be able to define a Tool Type.
A function package can provide the following AWM modeled objects:
Micro Focus provides the following function packages:
Function Package | Description |
AWM | Provides AWM-specific features, such as "Open a Modeled Dialog". |
Deprecated | Only relevant if a model still contains tool descriptors which were supported before function packages were introduced and which have not been converted into function package tools. |
Eclipse | Provides native Eclipse functions, such as "Get Eclipse Projects". |
ED Icons | Provides Enterprise Developer-specific action icons. |
ISPF | Provides ISPF-specific functions, such as "Execute ISPF Command" and "Execute ISPF Dialog Application". |
Micro Focus Editor | Provides functions specific to the editor in Micro FocusEnterprise Developer, such as "Reparse with Refresh". |
Micro Focus Enterprise Server | Provides functions to manage Micro FocusEnterprise Server, such as "Submit to Enterprise Server". |
Micro Focus Project | Provides functions specific to Micro Focus projects, such as "Compile File". |
MVS | Provides MVS-specific functions, such as "Edit MVS File". |
OS | Provides basic local operating system functions, such as "Execute OS Command". |
IDz | Provides IDz-specific functions, such as "Associate Property Group". |
SVN | Provides Subversion-specific functions such as "SVN Commit". |
USS | Provides USS-specific functions, such as "Edit USS File". |
The topic Preconditions describes which product and/or license must be installed to be able to use a specific function package.
Customers or third party companies can provide their own function packages by extending the AWM model extension point defined for this purpose.