If a tool creates output files that will later be processed by the client application, the file names are modeled as output parameters.
REXX Example 1:
/* Create a seq. file and return the dataset name to the Client */ outdsn = CREATE_DSN() /* subroutine to create the dataset */ Call ADD_RECORDS outdsn /* subroutine to add records */ outparm = 'PARM1' outdsn 'PARM3' exitrc = 0 Exit exitrc outparm
REXX Example 2:
/* Create a PDS member and return it to the Client */ outdsn = CREATE_PDS() /* subroutine to create the PDS */ member = CREATE_MEM(outdsn) /* Create the PDS member */ outparm = 'PARM1' outdsn'('member')' 'PARM3' exitrc = 0 Exit exitrc outparm