The process for producing code coverage results (as binary .tcz results files) from applications running under a Continuous Integration (CI) system is the same as when running the application locally from the command line. You need to compile and execute the applications with test coverage - see To use test coverage from the command line.
You would typically configure the CI machine to store the test coverage results as a CI artifact file for the CI build. Those results could be stored in one or more of the following formats:
tcutil -x myapp.xml myapp.tcz
Produces an XML file, myapp.xml, which includes a summary of the test coverage results. In most cases, you muct include the stylesheets as artifact files alongside the XML file to ensure it is rendered correctly
.tcutil -x -s myapp.xsl myapp.tcz
Produces an XML file, myapp.xml, that when displayed is an HTML page of results. The results on the HTML page are rendered using the sample stylesheets mftchtml.xsl and mftchtml.css stored in <installdir>\src\tcov.
See Test Coverage Utility Program (tcutil) for details.
Consider installing a plugin in for your CI system to configure the CI build so that the results are displayed directly on the CI dashboard. An example of such plugin is Plot for Jenkins. Plot requires input in CSV format which it then visualizes on the Jenkins dashboard.
Use tcutil with the -x option and a Third-Party XSLT processor to transform the results file, myapp.xml, into a CSV file. See the sample file mftcplot.xsl in <installdir>\src\tcov.
You can use tcutil with the -t option to configure the CI build to fail if the overall test coverage fails to meet a certain threshold level (in percentage). In the following example, tcutil returns a non-zero exit code if the overall code coverage in the .tcz file is less than 80%:
tcutil -t 80 myapp.tcz
call tcutil...