Security trace messages can be written to the
console.log, the MFDS
journal.log, and the AUX trace.
You configure detailed security tracing in the relevant Configuration Text areas for:
- MFDS and globally for all regions (‘security’ button in left hand pane) via:
- the default
Enterprise Server
Security tab
- each Security Manager definition
- individual regions via:
- the region’s Security tab (from
Server > Properties tabs)
The options available for Security Manager tracing depend on the External Security Manager (ESM) module used by that manager.
In addition, the security AUX trace flag (saf) can be enabled for region-specific security tracing.
Note: Problems with initial access to MFDS (for example, to start a region) will be logged in the MFDS journal. However, trace must
first be set up in the External Security Manager (ESM) to output these messages.
Security tracing can have a significant effect on performance so should not be left on in a production system.