This tool represents an ISPF panel which is called by a tool of type "Execute ISPF Dialog Application" and describes how the panel fields are displayed in an AWM-modeled dialog.
Attribute | Type | Description |
Panel Name [M] | String | Name of the corresponding ISPF panel. |
Program ID [M] | String | Name of the ISPF application in which the panel is used. |
Dialog Description [O] | String | A short description of the dialog |
Dialog Title | String | The title of the AWM dialog box |
Validate Action | Action Descriptor | A reference to an Action Descriptor used to validate the dialog input fields when the user presses the OK button. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
Field Property [M] | Property | Reference to the property definition describing the panel field. The field contents, which are exchanged when the corresponding ISPF panel is called in the ISPF dialog running on the remote system, are defined by the tool's modeled panel fields. The panel fields defined for a tool of type "Execute ISPF Dialog" must correspond exactly to the variables defined under TAUPARMS in the extended ISPF panel (see Execute ISPF Dialog Application) . |
Seq No [M] | Integer | Order of the panel fields corresponding to the TAUPARMS definition in the ISPF panel |
The layout of the AWM dialog representing the ISPF panel is defined by the tool's modeled input parameters, which are typically references to panel field properties, but could be other properties as well. This tool does not have output parameters.
An AWM feature generates all the AWM model components, which are necessary to model a tool of type "Execute ISPF Dialog", from an XML file (see ISPF Panel Model Generator).