Screen Section Entry Skeleton A Screen Description entry specifies the attributes, behavior, size and location for a referenced screen item which is accepted
or displayed at run time.
The AUTO Clause The AUTO clause automatically terminates an ACCEPT operation of the screen item when the last character position is keyed.
No explicit terminator key is necessary.
The FROM Clause The FROM clause identifies the source of data for display.
The FULL Clause The FULL clause specifies that the operator must either leave the screen item completely empty or fill it entirely with data.
The GRID Clause The GRID clause causes each character of the screen item to have a vertical line on its left-hand side when the item appears
on the screen. Each line is within the character-position.
The HIGHLIGHT Clause The HIGHLIGHT clause causes the screen item to appear in high intensity mode when it appears on the screen.
The JUSTIFIED Clause in the Screen Section The JUSTIFIED clause specifies non-standard positioning of data within a screen item when data is either moved to it or entered
into it.
The LEFTLINE Clause The LEFTLINE clause causes the leftmost character of the screen item to have a vertical line on its left-hand side when the
item appears on the screen. The line is within the character-position.
The LINE Clause The LINE clause specifies the line at which the screen item starts on the screen.
The LOWLIGHT Clause The LOWLIGHT clause specifies that the field is to appear on the screen with the lowest intensity.
The OCCURS Clause in the Screen Section The OCCURS clause eliminates the need for separate entries for repeated screen items and supplies information required for
the application of subscripts or indices.
The OVERLINE Clause The OVERLINE clause causes every character of the screen item to have a horizontal line above it when the item appears on
the screen. The line is within the character-position.
The PROMPT Clause The PROMPT clause causes the empty character positions in the screen item to be marked on the screen during an ACCEPT operation
while the system is ready to accept operator-keyed data into that item.
The REQUIRED Clause The REQUIRED clause specifies that the operator must not leave the screen item empty.
The REVERSE-VIDEO Clause The REVERSE-VIDEO clause causes the screen item to be displayed in reverse-video.
The SECURE Clause The SECURE clause prevents operator-keyed data from appearing on the screen.