>>---EXEC SQL--.-------------------.---.------------.----> +-FOR :host_integer-+ +-AT db_name-+ +- ,-+ V | >---INTO--:hvar--result-set-generating-dml-statement----> >---END-EXEC---><
host_integer | A host variable that specifies the maximum number of host array elements processed. Must be declared as PIC S9(4) COMP-5 or PIC S9(9) COMP-5. |
db_name | The name of a database that has been declared using DECLARE DATABASE. |
hvar | A host variable to store the ODBC connection handle. Must be declared as PIC X(4) COMP-5. |
result-set-generating-dml-statement | A SQL Server INSERT, non-positioned UPDATE, or DELETE statement with an OUTPUT clause. |
INTO is supported for SQL Server only.