The following provides an outline of the incremental approach to upgrading a Mainframe Express application to Enterprise Developer where you use both development products to maintain the application while gradually moving the sources to the new IDE.
mfecl /exportxml project-name.mvp [ xml-filename.xml]
The file provides details about the project and file settings, as well as of the workgroup levels. You are going to use this information when you are configuring the new projects in Enterprise Developer.
Define a small selection of the source files of your Mainframe Express application that you will move across to Enterprise Developer as a start – this could be the files responsible for a single operation of the application.
See Considerations for whether the files need to be recompiled in the new environment.
In Visual Studio:
To emulate workgrouping behavior in Visual Studio, you can create different projects in your solution that will represent each individual level in the workgroup. For each project, you need to specify the copybook paths that are for the respective workgroup level.
In Eclipse:
To emulate workgrouping behavior in Eclipse, you can use copybook projects that will define the copybook paths for each level, and you can add these projects as dependency projects to the ones for the source files. See Emulating workgroups in Eclipse in this guide.
In Visual Studio, first turn off the automatic directive determination as you will be setting the directives manually:
Configure the project properties:
You need to set exactly the same project properties as the ones set for the MFE project as taken from the xml-filename.xml file.
In Eclipse, to specify project properties:
In Visual Studio:
This links the files to the project from within the original location and does not create copies of the files in the Enterprise Developer project directory.
In Eclipse:
In Visual Studio:
In Eclipse:
Check the xml-filename.xml file to see what regions the original application uses, and what its settings are.
Use the Micro Focus Rumba emulator supplied with Enterprise Developer to connect to the enterprise server instance you have created. Run the application in Rumba.
With Visual Studio:
You can use Visual Studio to create customized templates with the desired set of options and the required source programs, and share these within your organization. Then, each user would be able to import the templates from a shared network location into their Visual Studio environments. See the Visual Studio help for more information on how to create, configure and distribute custom project templates.
With Eclipse:
In your workspace, copy the project folder with all the files. You can store this on a shared network location. Users need to import the existing project and sources locally in their workspaces.
Enterprise Server templates:
Create your own templates using the following command at an Enterprise Developer command prompt:
mfds -x [repository type] [repository address] [server name] <options> <user id> <password>
Distribute the server .xml files across your development teams. The file should be saved in the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\etc\ServerTemplates subfolder in the local Enterprise Developer installation folders.