In rare cases, RJSE issues the following error messages:
- JCLCM0118E Unexpected error from function RJSECA-FC-functionName RC=nnnnnnnn RS=nnnnnnnn.
- JCLCM0119E Previous JCLCM0118E message is for DD/DSN ddname/datasetname.
- JCLCM0121S Unexpected return type from RJSECA-FC-Execute %1$s.
- JCLCM0122S Incorrect password caused SAF failure on the host.
- JCLCM0123S Expired password caused SAF failure on the host.
- JCLCM0124S Invalid user id caused SAF failure on the host.
- JCLCM0125E %1$s is not supported.
- JCLCM0126E %1$s is not yet supported.
- JCLCM0127S Host dataset %1$s unexpectedly created by alien job.
- JCLCM0128S Host dataset %1$s unexpectedly deleted by alien job.
- JCLCM0129W LRECL of host RECFM F dataset %1$s assumed to be 80.
- JCLCM0130W LRECL of host RECFM V dataset %1$s assumed to be 255.
If you get any JCLCMnnnns messages, please check the
JCLCM Error Messages.