Argument-2 of the BOOLEAN-OF-INTEGER statement must be a numeric constant when the function is used in an expression with
B-NOT, or as part of a boolean expression which is used as an argument in INTEGER-OF-BOOLEAN.
You can only query PIC 1(n) USAGE BIT items which are at the 01 level.
You cannot query boolean data items defined as PIC1(n) USAGE BIT that are subscripted. If you need to query them, move the
value to a PIC 1 (n) USAGE DISPLAY data item.
The JUSTIFIED clause cannot be specified for boolean data items.
You cannot use reference modification on boolean data items.
If you use the ODOSLIDE directive, you cannot have boolean data items following a variable-length table in the same record;
neither can you have data items following a variable-length table containing boolean data items.
You cannot use the BX literal format.
You cannot have boolean data items in text-data used in EXEC(UTE) CICS or EXEC(UTE) SQL statements.
You cannot use include boolean data items in conditional compilation statements.
You cannot use boolean data items in the Screen Section.
The Report Writer feature does not support boolean data items.
You cannot use variable length items with GROUP-USAGE BIT specified in boolean expressions.
You cannot set CHARSET"EBCDIC" for programs using boolean data items.
You cannot move data between national items and boolean items.
Boolean data items can contain up to 64 digit positions; groups of GROUP-USAGE BIT are also limited to 64 digit positions.
If you use the syntax VALUE IS {{literal}... FROM ({subscript-1}...) [TO ({subscript-2}...)]}, subscript-1 and subscript-2 cannot be boolean data items.
Using the SYNCHRONIZED clause has no effect on the alignment of any type of bit data item.