Data Communication Calls AMB Data Communication calls are predefined, easy-to-use statements that let you focus on what needs to be accomplished, rather
than the mechanics of the target environment. To address environment-specific requirements, you can extend these calls with
arguments; no native coding is required. These calls facilitate both generic processing and specialized requests.
Data Structures Lists the shorthand data structures valid in the Data Structure Editor.
Database Calls AMB Database (DB) calls are predefined, easy-to-use statements with common syntax that allows transparent access to a variety
of databases. The AMB DB calls let you focus on what needs to be accomplished, rather than the mechanics of the target environment.
To address environment-specific requirements, you can extend these calls with arguments; no native coding is required. These
calls facilitate both generic processing and specialized requests.
Date Field Formats Describes valid input and output formats for all date fields.
Distributed Generation Server Provides reference information for the AMBCOMP program, JCL, and output files and directories.
Error Messages Provides information for each error message produced by the various AMB painters, utilities, and generators.
Fields, Flags, and Exit Points AppMaster Builder supplies you with several data fields and flags you can use to test values, to determine the validity of
user-entered data, and to test for error conditions. AMB also supplies exit points you can use to customize methods.
IMS Calls AMB supports IMS calls for Character applications generating for an IMS DB target. Also supported are IMS DC fast path data
communication calls for single-platform character-based applications, and system service calls for IMS DC.
Libraries and Directories Lists the AMB directory structure and the members of each AppMaster Builder directory library.
Program Painter Keywords Lists each keyword used in the Program Painter and provides a description for each.
Report Writer Structures Use Report Writer structures to code report logic in batch programs and applications after you paint your report mock-up in
the Report Painter. Report Writer structures enable you to:
Reserved Words Lists the reserved AMB-specific words that apply to coding programs.
Run-time Module - A1MVCL Describes the A1MVCL run-time module that ensures programs that contain alternate I/O areas execute properly.
S-COBOL Structures An AppMaster Builder program can be coded in AMB Structured COBOL (S-COBOL) language structures, either in combination with
or instead of COBOL statements. S-COBOL structures are procedural, and extend the power of native COBOL, yet simplify and
shorten the amount of code you must write.
Time Field Formats Describes valid input and output formats for all date fields.
User Interface Reference Describes each component of the various user interfaces that make up AppMaster Builder, on the field and control level.