Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.
- From the HCO for SQL Server interface, click
SQL Name Mappings.
- To change default mappings, do one or more of the following:
- To change the name of any DB2 Functions/Special Register or its SQL Server Equivalent, simply click in the field and type
in your change.
- To change the mapping type for any DB2 Function/Special Register, check one or both of its correponding check boxes.
- To add a new mapping:
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
- In the field at the bottom of the
DB2 Function/Special Register column, type in the name of a DB2 function or special register that exists in your DB2 database but is not already listed
as a default.
- Type a corresponding SQL Server equivalent name into the
SQL Server Equivalent column.
- Depending on what applies to your new mapping, check the appropriate box or boxes in the
Is Function or
Special Register columns.
Note: Each time you type into a field or check a box in the blank bottom row, a new blank row appears underneath to enable you to
add another new mapping.
- Click