CASXB0020W Extra values after ')' ignored A multi-valued parameter value contained extraneous data either after the closing parenthesis, or after the maximum number
of allowed values for that parameter.
CASXB0023E Repeated group instance is invalid - group closed The SDF-type repeated group specification cannot be processed. Either (1) a second or later group instance does not contain
the same member fields as the first instance, or (2) a third or later instance does not repeat symmetrically in the same direction
as the second instance.
CASXB0024E Too many fields in group - group closed SDF-type group definitions are currently limited to 50 member fields for each group instance. In command line mode, this
includes text fields (unnamed DFHMDF macros).
CASXB0032W Argument "<text-string>" folded to uppercase The argument <text-string> contained lowercase characters, which is incompatible with some host assemblers. This does not apply to literal strings
enclosed in quotes.
CASXB0034I Processing Map <map-name> This is a processing status display that appears for each <map-name> as it is encountered in the BMS source file. It is only displayed when verbose-mode is specified (/v).
CASXB0035W Warning: MCO forces TIOAPFX=YES on MOD/CPY generation TIOAPFX=NO was either specified or implied for the current map. The MCO/MTS runtime assumes TIOAPFX=YES when communicating
with user dsects, so it is forced when a dsect (copybook) and load module (.MOD) are generated. BMS regenerated from the
screen painter is not affected, in order to maintain portability with your host settings. However, this may prevent you from
porting the generated copybook to your host system.