Converts an arithmetic or string value to a DECIMAL number.
Abbreviation(s): DEC for DECIMAL.
x is an arithmetic or string value, and p and q are integer constants representing precision and scale factor, respectively.
DECIMAL('3.14') /* returns 3 */
The DECIMAL function converts an arithmetic or string value x to a DECIMAL number of an optionally specified precision p and scale factor q. p indicates the precision of the result. q indicates the scale of the result. If p alone is given, q is assumed to be zero.
If x is a floating-point value, the result is a float decimal value, and q must be omitted; otherwise, the result is a fixed decimal value, and if q is omitted, the result is an integer of precision p.
If p is omitted, the result has a precision determined by the rules for type conversion given in the chapter Data Type Conversions.