Converts an arithmetic or string value to a binary number with an optionally specified precision.
Abbreviation(s): BIN for BINARY.
x is an arithmetic or string value, and p is an integer constant specifying an optional precision.
In fixed–point context, this example returns the value 2000 as a Fixed Bin(31) integer.
The BINARY function converts an arithmetic or string value x to binary radix (Float Binary or Fixed Binary data type), with an optionally specified precision p.
If x is a Fixed Decimal value with a non-zero scale factor, p must be given.
If x is a Float Decimal value, the result is a Float Binary value; otherwise, the result is a Fixed Binary value. A non-zero scale factor is not allowed with a Float Decimal. If p is omitted, the result has a precision that is determined by the rules for data type conversion given in the chapter Data Type Conversions.