Starting Enterprise Server Administration

Windows environments:

From your desktop:
Windows 7 and Earlier
  • From your desktop, click Start > All Programs > Micro Focus Enterprise Developer > ToolsEnterprise DeveloperEnterprise Server Command Prompt (32-bit) or Enterprise DeveloperEnterprise Server Command Prompt (64-bit).
Windows 8, 8.1, and Windows Server 2012
  • From the Start screen, click either the Enterprise DeveloperEnterprise Server Command Prompt (32-bit) or the Enterprise DeveloperEnterprise Server Command Prompt (64-bit) tile.
Windows 10 and Later
  • Click Start > Micro Focus > Enterprise Developer > Enterprise Developer Command Prompt (32-bit) or Enterprise Developer Command Prompt (64-bit) > More > Run as Administrator.
From Eclipse:
  1. From the Server Explorer, right-click Local [localhost:86]; then click Open Administration Page.

    The Enterprise Server Administration Home page starts in an Enterprise Developer window.

  2. From the Server Explorer,

UNIX environments:

  1. Start a Server Express command prompt. If you need instructions, see To start a Server Express command prompt.
  2. Enter the following commands:
    su root
    cd $COBDIR/bin
    mfds &
  3. Open a Web browser and specify http://host:86, where host is the machine on which Enterprise Server is installed.
    Note: Once you have entered the su root command, you need to ensure that your Enterprise Developer environment variables are still set up, as some UNIX systems lose these environment variables when the su root command is run.