Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
When you run DGS, it creates output files and directories depending upon
your generation target.
All generation targets:
- GLOGFILE - Mainframe file where job output is written.
- GWORKGRP - Workstation location where AMB workgroup resides.
Screen generation:
- GSCRSYMB - Mainframe file where generated screen symbols are
- GSCR - Mainframe file where generated BMS, MFS, and ISPF panels are written.
Program generation:
- GPROGSRC - Workstation location where the generated Program Manifest
is copied after program generation.
- GCOBOL - Mainframe file where generated COBOL output is written.
- GAPSPROG - Dataset where the APSPROG generated from APSEXPS is written. This applies when your program type is APSEXPS or