To initiate Distributed Generation Server from the mainframe, you execute the AMBCOMP program from the JCL that is running your APS job. You can replace all of the standard APS generation steps with a single AMBCOMP step. The AMBCOMP program processes a set of SYSIN cards that specify the following:
The AMBCOMP program passes this information to the Distributed Generation Server as an XML document. The Distributed Generation Server writes the document to an XML file in the apsftwrk subdirectory of the user area specified on the Distributed Generation Server workstation.
The DGS then parses this XML file and creates two files in the jobqueue subdirectory of the user area specified on the Distributed Generation Server workstation:
After the AMB generation process completes, APSCOMP writes the AMB generation log file to the jobqueue subdirectory. This file does not have a file extension. It contains messages and return codes from each of the AMB generators.
After all of the appropriate AMB generators have finished, DGS uploads a number of files to mainframe-cataloged PDSs. These files include all generated components (e.g., COBOL programs, screen symbols, BMS, MFS, etc.) and the AMB generation log file.
Jobs steps following the AMBCOMP step, (e.g., DB2 translator, CICS translator, COBOL compiler, etc.) might execute, depending on the value of this return code.