You can access other, non-XA-compliant databases through . The recommended method is to use the exit program DFHUSYNC. A sample exit program is supplied as dfhusync.cbl, located in $COBDIR/lib/es and /lib/es64. Follow these steps to customize the sample exit program:
Add code to be invoked at any or all of the following points:
SEP initialization
The start of a CICS task
When rollback is required
When a prepare is required for a syncpoint
When a commit is required
SEP shutdown
This code should invoke the appropriate actions from the database manager being used. If you want to enable commit and rollback processing (two-phase commit), include the SQL Communications Area (SQLCA) in the Working-Storage Section of the dfhusync.cbl module.
Run dfhusync.cbl through the appropriate SQL preprocessor.
In Enterprise Developer, compile dfhusync.cbl to any callable format. Do not use the CICS preprocessor.
Put the compiled module in $COBDIR/etc . This replaces the default file supplied with MSS.