* ======================================================================== * = VSE SYSTEM START-UP * ======================================================================== * ======================================================================== * = devices * ======================================================================== device_id 02A device_type PRINTER * device_id 02B device_type PRINTER * device_id 02C device_type PRINTER * device_id 02D device_type PRINTER * device_id 02E device_type PUNCH * device_id 02F device_type READER * device_id 02G device_type INTRDR * device_id 42E device_type PRINTER * device_id 43E device_type PRINTER * device_id 44E device_type PRINTER * device_id 45E device_type PRINTER * device_id 46E device_type PRINTER * device_id 020 device_type DISK * * ======================================================================== * = permanent assignments * ======================================================================== * assgn_lu SYSIPT assgn_device 02F * assgn_lu SYSRDR assgn_device 02G * assgn_lu SYSLST assgn_device 02A * assgn_lu SYS001 SYSxxx logical unit assgn_device 02B cuu device (device1 to device6) * assgn_lu SYS002 assgn_lu_2 SYS001 * assgn_lu SYS002 assgn_lu_2 SYSLST * assgn_lu SYSPCH assgn_device 02E * ======================================================================== * = standard labels * ======================================================================== dlbl_dd CMAST dlbl_dsn CUSTOMER.MASTER.FILE * ======================================================================== * = Default In-stream input file. * = MVS PROGS these programs expect SYSIN and SYSPRINT * = by default. Max allowed = 100. IDCAMS, SORT and IPCPBTCH * = are assumed. * USE_SYSIN IEBGENER USE_SYSIN MFJMATCH * ======================================================================== * POWER JOB DISP and LST DISP statements. * * $$ JOB DISP (hold or execute, delete or retain) * and * * $$ LST DISP (print or hold, delete or retain or spool to tape) * are normally parsed and ignored. If these options are set to 'Y' * then * the JOB DISP will override the JOB CLASS * the LST DISP will override the LST CLASS * so that the DISP processing can be emulated to some extent * via appropriate use of the CLASSES * JOB_DISP N LST_DISP N * ======================================================================== * Controlling which DLBL and TLBL assignments are displayed. * By default all the current DLBL assignments will display in the * log for every step. Those which were not explicitly assigned * in the JCL for the current step will be preceded by ## and can be * suppressed by including the following line SHOW_##_ASSIGNS N * ======================================================================== * Controlling which messages are displayed on the log. * The following parameters will set values for the * MVS MSGLEVEL statement and message parameters respectively. * These control which JCL statements and messages appear in the log MESSAGE_LEVEL1 0 valid values are 0,1,2 MESSAGE_LEVEL2 0 valid values are 0,1 * ======================================================================== * Validation * If the config file fails validation the following message will * appear on the console: * JCLCM0198I JOB01208 ???????? VSE CONFIG FILE - FAIL CODE RC hh:mm:ss * ======================================================================== * Values for the reason code (RC) are as follows: * 01 Mismatched field name and value. * 02 Too many devices specified - limit is 255 * 03 Device ID error * 04 Device Type error * 05 Too many assigns - limit is 300 * 06 Invalid ASSGN_LU_1 * 07 Invalid ASSGN_LU_2 * 08 Invalid ASSGN_DEVICE * 09 Invalid DLBL or TLBL * 10 not used * 11 Invalid DLBL or TLBL * 12 System error * 13 DLBL or TLBL label error * 14 SHOW_##_ASSGNS error * 15 MESSAGE_LEVEL1 error * 16 MESSAGE_LEVEL2 error * 17 Record with no valid keyword found * 18, 19, 20 ,21 Unspecified Parse error * 22 Config file OPEN failed - check VSE_STARTUP_CFG is correct * 23 Config file READ failed * ========================================================================