You can create records for tasks that have been executed and completed under Enterprise Server using the Historical Statistics
Facility (HSF).
HSF has the following known issues:
- HSF doesn't populate the
Program field in ESMAC or
Prog field in the
.csv file for IMS records.
- The
User field (containing the user id) is not populated when the user has the default user name - for example CICSUSER.
- All fields with time values are measured in hundredths of a second. A side effect of this is that cumulative times, such as
the total time a transaction accesses a file or temporary storage queue, will display as zero if each access took less than
a hundredth of a second but the total is greater than a hundredth of a second.
- If a JCL file is only deleted (and not opened or closed), then the DDName for that JCLF record will be blank.
- If a JCL file is opened multiple times in the same job, then the values in the DSType and DSAccessType fields for that JCLF
record will relate to the final time that it was opened.
- JCLF records are not shown in ESMAC.
- JCLF records are ignored by the aggregation utility
- If a job step abends, then the total response time shown in the job's END record will exceed the response time of all the
steps. This anomaly is due to the time taken to write a console message after the step abends and before the job ends.
- If a job step abends because a data set was not found, no HSF record is created for that step.