WPF Client

In addition to the default COBOL console client, you can optionally generate a WPF client for a service interface.

WPF client project

After generating a client, Enterprise Developer adds a client project to the solution that contains your service interface. The name of the project is myserviceWPFApp, and contains the following components:

References folder
The project references required to run the WPF client application.
Helper folder
Additional COBOL programs and copybooks required to run the WPF client application.
A WPF XAML file that defines the visual presentation of the client.
The generated client COBOL program.
A WPF XAML file that defines the visual presentation of the proxy client.
The generated proxy client COBOL program.

Editing a WPF client

To enhance its appearance and usability, you can optionally edit a WPF client component from Enterprise Developer by double-clicking a client component from the Solution Explorer.

Running a WPF client

You can run a WPF client directly from your project using the Enterprise Developer Debugger. Before doing so, ensure that:

  • The enterprise server region configured to run the service is associated with the project that contains your service interface (.svi) file
  • The enterprise server region is started
  • Your service interface is deployed to the enterprise server region
  • The WPF client project is set as the startup project

When you start the Debugger, Enterprise Developer automatically builds the client project and executes it.