The XDB Server fully supports the naming conventions and data storage structures that are available on a mainframe DB2 subsystem. Features include the following structures and objects:
The following is a scenario for creating a new location with two databases. Each database has a table space defined. One table in each database is created in a table space. The other table in each database is created without a table space.
Use the SQL Wizard to execute these commands. See the SQLWizard User's Guide or on-line help for information.
CREATE LOCATION testxdb IN c:\xdb\testxdb\; SET LOCATION TO testxdb; CREATE DATABASE testdb1;CREATE DATABASE testdb2;CREATE TABLESPACE ts4db1 IN testdb1; CREATE TABLESPACE ts4db2 IN testdb2; CREATE TABLE table1 (Field1 integer, Field2 integer) IN DATABASE testdb1; CREATE TABLE table2 (Field3 integer, Field4 integer) IN testdb1.ts4db1; CREATE TABLE tableA (FieldA integer, FieldB integer) IN DATABASE testdb2; CREATE TABLE tableB (FieldC integer, FieldD integer) IN testdb2.ts4db2; CREATE INDEX inx ON table1 (Field1);