MFJZABND abends the current job step with a system or user abend.


call "MFJZABND" using abend-type abend-code


abend-code pic 9(8) comp The abend code.
abend-type pic 9(8) comp Type of abend to occur; 0 indicates a user abend; 1 indicates a system abend..
abend-sys pic 9(8) comp value 1
abend-user pic 9(8) comp value 0


Example 1. To cause an abend with user abend 1004:

77  abend-code                 pic  9(08) comp.
77  abend-type                  pic 9(08)  comp. 
77  abend-sys                   pic  9(08) comp value 1.
77  abend-user                  pic  9(08) comp value 0.

Move 1004 to abend-code
call 'MFJZABND' using abend-user abend-code

Example 2. To cause an abend with system abend SDED (note that system abend codes are always hex not decimal):

77  abend-code                 pic  9(08) comp.
77  abend-type                  pic 9(08)  comp. 
77  abend-sys                   pic  9(08) comp value 1.
77  abend-user                  pic  9(08) comp value 0.
Move h’ded’ to abend-code
call 'MFJZABND' using abend-sys abend-code