Restriction: This applies to native code only.
When you develop mixed COBOL and Java programs, you need to be aware of the following:
- The default Java build directives that your COBOL development system uses are
"%CLASSPATH";%TARGETDIR section of the command appends the currently-specified target directory to the end of the current setting for the CLASSPATH
environment variable, retaining any spaces specified in the current setting of CLASSPATH.
- If you specify multiple classes in a
.java program, only the resultant
.class file with the same basename as the
.java program is added to the project automatically. You must add any other
.class files manually.
- We recommend that you add the -g Java build directive in debug mode (to generate debugging information), but replace it with
the -O directive in release mode (to create optimized code).
You can set these directives by clicking
on the
Project menu. Then select the Compile tab for each
.java file and add this directive to the list.