DSMLv2/SOAP is an OASIS standard for representing directory information as XML. DSMLv2/SOAP provides your application with a standard way to present and transfer directory information in XML format.
The DSMLv2/SOAP specification provides both a DTD and a schema for reference. These reference materials along with the DSMLv2 specification are available from OASIS at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/dsml/
Developing and running an application that uses DSMLv2/SOAP support for eDirectory requires the following:
This kit consists of a deployable web archive (.war) file, called novell-dsml.war, containing the necessary .jar files and .xml configuration files to run DSMLv2/SOAP support on your Web application server, as well as a readme and several sample files to get you started using DSMLv2/SOAP support.
This section guides you through deploying Novell DSMLv2/SOAP support for eDirectory on exteNd JBroker Web, exteNd Application Server and Jakarta Tomcat 4.
The following steps guide you through deploying Novell DSMLv2/SOAP support for eDirectory on exteNd JBroker Web.
The following steps guide you through deploying Novell DSMLv2/SOAP support for eDirectory on exteNd Application Server.
The following steps guide you through deploying Novell DSMLv2/SOAP Support for eDirectory on Jakarta Tomcat 4.
DSMLv2/SOAP support is bundled with several samples to get you up and running quickly. This kit contains two sample types; JBroker and JNDI.
Once the DSMLv2/SOAP service is running on your application server complete the following steps to run these samples.
The JBroker samples will run once you have deployed the DSMLv2/SOAP Service to your application server. To test the JBroker samples, browse to http://[urltoservice]/novell-dsml/, where [urltoservice] is the URL where your application server is running (the URL might require a port number). If the DSMLv2/SOAP service is installed properly you will see a verification page.
An additional JBroker sample, called DomClient, is included with this kit. Both samples use a stub and service generated by JBroker from the DsmlClient.java interface.
From the folder containing the deployed novell-dsml.war file, browse to WEB-INF\classes, which contains a compiled version of this sample. To run this sample, execute the following command:
java sample_consumers.DomClient [dsmlfile] [urltoservice]
Where, [dsmlfile] is any DSMLv2 file (an example, dsml.xml, is included in novell-dsml.war) and [urltoservice] is the URL of the DSMLv2/SOAP service (this URL might require a port number) on your application server. This program reads the DSMLv2 file as DOM and sends the request XML to the service.
The source code for this sample is contained in the novell-dsml\src folder.
To run the samples that use JNDI you need the following:
The following .jar files, which are contained in the previous downloads, must be specified in your classpath:
From the folder containing the deployed novell-dsml.war file, browse to WEB-INF\classes, which contains a compiled version of the JNDI sample. To run this sample, execute the following command:
java sample_consumers.Search [urltoservice] [logindn] [password] [searchdn] [searchfilter]
Where [urltoservice] is the URL of the DSMLv2/SOAP service running on your application server (this URL might require a port).
The source code for this sample is contained in the novell-dsml\src folder.
Additionally, you can modify any of the JNDI samples contained in the LDAP Controls and Extensions for JNDI (available at http://developer.novell.com/ndk/extjndi.htm) to use the DSMLv2/SOAP service by performing the following:
Open a sample and modify the context factory environment variable.
Change: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory
to: com.sun.jndi.dsmlv2.soap.DsmlSoapCtxFactory
See the source code for Search.java for an example.
Novell DSMLv2/SOAP support for eDirectory is configured using the WEB-INF\Web.xml. This file contains several parameters enabling you to customize the behavior of the DSMLv2/SOAP service. These parameters are documented within the Web.xml file.
In order to use TLS (SSL) with DSMLv2/SOAP support you must create a keystore. For instructions on creating a keystore, see the LDAP Classes for Java documentation at http://developer.novell.com/ndk/doc/jldap/jldapenu/data/cchcbejj.html JSSE and the keytool are included with JDK 1.4.
Once this keystore is created, the path is specified in the ldapKeystore parameter in the Web.xml configuration file:
The following bugs were fixed as part of the February 2004 NDK release:
New samples directory (dsmlsamples) added in the samples directory.
Added following samples and xml files in this new directory:
New samples added in the samples/dsml_consumers directory.
Initial release
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